Team Motley

Est. December 2019

For human equality & environmental diversity

Founder's Note

This is a message of gratitude to the team, the non-profits funding our initiative and all the viewers/readers. Funded by grants from nonprofits like Discovery Education, USC Shoah, American Service Alliance, the Hershey’s Foundation, and the National Century Foundation, and through community fundraising, Team Motley now boasts over 2500+ participants in seven countries, including Nigeria, Egypt, Pakistan, and India. Thank you so much for all your love and support and we aim to continue serving our communities!

Our Mission

We aim to snap shackles of ignorance to forge chains of love. Though prejudice and discrimination are unfortunately an engrained aspect of our life, these words hope to highlight the power of unity.

Team Motley is an international initiative that works to provide books, stories and artworks about inclusion, acceptance, and biodiversity to children and youth from all across the globe. These stories, books and art pieces are written/illustrated by teenagers who hope to share this message to other children.

We began by publishing our book (Motley) that discusses discrimination on a broader level, seeking to combat the racism and bias in our society. The children’s book the “Motley” hopes to fight the increasing pervasion of discrimination onto all aspects of our lives. We highlight themes of environmental advocacy to combat ignorance. To tackle the presence of bias, we hope to reach children and adults by using words and art as a tool to alter the world.

These pieces, like notes of music and the tones of peace, hope to ring the voice of harmony loudly in society’s ears.

By raising the decibels of love, we can deafen the cacophony of hate.

Overall, by printing these words onto paper and etching these drawing onto canvas, Team Motley makes a humble effort to erase prejudice.

Additional Information

PURCHASE THE BOOK at Barnes & Noble online

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If you are a school or a teacher who would like to order bulk books or get printed posters and would like a discount due to financial circumstances, feel free to Contact Us!